Learning How to Rock Twitter, with Amber Osborne

Technology Translated
Learning How to Rock Twitter, with Amber Osborne

Despite the ups-and-downs we hear about in the media, Twitter is still an incredible platform for networking, helping, and conducting research. Amber Osborne has been an expert user for years and is going to share some tips to help you get more out of Twitter, and the tool she helped create, Meshfire.

Learn what’s working today to build a one person, 7-Figure Business.

Whether it’s making better use of hashtags, coordinating a team to engage on your company Twitter account, or creating engaging content on challenging topics, Amber Osborne is here to help make sense of it all.

She and the team at Meshfire have given rise to “Ember”, an AI engine borne out of the real world experience and frustration the team experienced in years past.

If you want to get better at Twitter and build the right audience you’ll want to listen to this episode.

In this 42-minute episode Amber and I discuss:

  • How Amber went from the music business to CMO of Meshfire
  • How to create interesting content around a boring topic
  • What Meshfire is and what it can do for you
  • How Meshfire’s AI (Ember) makes engaging on Twitter better
  • Examples of how Meshfire Helps teams manage social media
  • Understanding Meshfire Tasks
  • Amber’s Twitter Tips, from years of experience and looking at the data
  • The smart way to use hashtags on different platforms

Listen to Technology Translated below …

The Show Notes

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